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Smile WM

Fancy yourself as the next Trevor Nelson or Clara Amfo?

Smile West Midlands Radio

Smile West Midlands is a radio project which aims to get the BAME communities sharing their news, views and experiences on community radio.

Smile WM is a project delivered in partnership with Big Top Roadshow a UK charity based in Birmingham championing good citizenship, anti-bullying and anti-knife crime. 

Smile West Midlands Radio Introduction to learning radio broadcasting online


A New Narative

We encourage BAME communities the opportunity to share their stories and views.


Open to Everyone

Their is something for everyone to get involved in and our radio training is accessible to all over the age of 16 and is delivered online.


Accessing Employment Opportunities

Gain greater advantages from the accredited training, toward further education and work.

Host the Conversation

Whether you are interested in being a presenter or DJ; working behind the scenes in marketing or station management, our training, work experience and life skills development will grow your CV and your confidence.

Smile WM Radio introduction to online broadcasting
Smile West Midlands Radio Introduction to online training

Online Radio Presenter

We are delivering a series online introductory workshops over a 4 week period.

During this time participants will gain an insight into presenting their own radio show and best practice in managing/operating a radio station.

Each presenter will have the opportunity to present a regular show online, from home.
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Smile West Midlands Radio Introduction to online training

New Narative

Everyone has a story to tell and through this project we aim to encourage writers, radio drama actors and our online broadcasters to co-create community radio dramas.

These cultural monologues and short stories will share experiences from both living in Birmingham and countries of origin. Learn more...

Smile West Midlands Radio Introduction to online training

Employment and Higher Education 

Successful candidates will be offered the unique opportunity to join a 6-month accredited training course.

Participants will get the chance to work alongside radio professionals, whilst learning a huge range of industry standard skills that will include; training in radio studio equipment, overcoming challenges, interview techniques, digital editing, news reading, presenting and building self-confidence within a workplace environment.
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If you believe you may have what it takes, contact us and a member of the team will be intouch with more information. 

Don't delay, this could be the key to unlocking your future.